Secure Firmware Update


The Reference Software Stack implements Secure Firmware Update following the Platform Security Firmware Update Specification. The following firmware images are included:

  • RSS BL2 image

  • RSS Runtime image

  • SCP RAM Firmware (SCP RAMFW) image

  • LCP RAM Firmware (LCP RAMFW) image

  • Safety Island Cluster 0 (SI CL0) image

  • Safety Island Cluster 1 (SI CL1) image

  • Safety Island Cluster 2 (SI CL2) image

  • Primary Compute FIP (Firmware Image Package) image

The new images are accepted in the form of a UEFI capsule.


As standardized into the Platform Security Firmware Update Specification, each one of the RSS flash and secure flash is divided into two banks, where one bank has the currently running images and the other bank is used for staging new images. The flash layouts are shown in the following figures.

RSS Flash Layout

  • MBR: Master Boot Record

  • GPT: GUUID Partition Table

  • FWU MetaData: Used for RSS BL1 to select the correct bank to load and boot the RSS BL2.

  • FWU Private MetaData: Used for the RSS BL2 to select the correct bank to load and boot the SCP, LCP, SI, and the Primary Compute BL2.

Primary Compute Secure Flash Layout

  • MetaData: Used for the Primary Compute BL2 to select the correct bank to load and boot the Primary Compute BL31, BL32, BL33 etc.

The following diagram illustrates the components and data flow that implement the Secure Firmware Update.

Secure Firmware Update Architecture

A typical Secure Firmware Update process can be described in the following steps:

  1. The capsule image is generated by EDK2 tools and stored on the disk of the Primary Compute for the UEFI UpdateCapsule runtime service to access.

  2. The firmware upgrade process is initiated from the UEFI UpdateCapsule runtime service.

  3. The capsule image is then read and copied from the Primary Compute disk to the Shared Memory between the Primary Compute and RSS.

  4. The Capsule Update service in SE Proxy SP handles the firmware update request. It then sends a request to the RSS Platform Runtime Service to handle the firmware update request.

  5. Once the RSS Platform service receives the firmware update request, it firstly carries out validations of the header of the capsule, the version of the images, and the counter of the images, then copies the image from the Shared Memory to the RSS flash, and finally updates the image to the Bank-0 or the Bank-1 of the RSS flash and Primary Compute Secure Flash.

  6. The system will reset after a successful firmware update and boot from the bank with the new firmware images. If the firmware update fails, when the user restarts the system from the UEFI shell the system will boot from the bank with the original firmware images.